Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today, we worked on our timeline, and finished filling in our project and team pages. We als o looked at more flash tutorials. Mini-me and I also chose our team roles. Now, we are starting to work on our flash game demo and the actual game itself, it will be hard but I think, actually I KNOW we will get the game done by the due date.
So, I guess I am going now, so GOOD BYE FOR NOW!


  1. You show a lot of confidence about completing your quest ( of a finished game). Believing in yourself is so important.

  2. It is important to use class time wisely. Some of my students thought they had loads of time so every once in a while they didn't work the whole class period. They ended up staying after school to finish. Sounds like you are not going to do that! Great attitude.

  3. You sound prepared, and , well really confident! I know it will be hard having trouble with some code myself right now actually but it will be rewarding! If we need any help we have a classroom full of people who eventually will have or had have the same problems, so we're also there to help each other. I believe, despite being on separate teams, we're all really in this together.
